The Pheasant Who Adopted Us

Our "pet" pheasant.

Our "pet" pheasant.

A few years ago, I started doing “tall grass grazing” with my cows.  This quickly attracted a lot of new wildlife including a couple pheasants.  I heard the male pheasant’s call frequently, but I never saw him that first year.  The second year, I spotted him on many occasions, but he was still very elusive.  I only saw the female once.

By the third summer, the male pheasant would hang around near the edge of the woods when I was nearby without flying away.  Throughout the summer, he gradually got bolder.  Soon he was coming up and eating food with the hens if I was far enough away.  He was very beautiful, with shiny iridescent blue feathers.  I always said hello to him, but otherwise let him be.  He continued to get more and more bold.  By the end of the summer he was so tame I could touch him.  He would show up every day at feeding time, eat some food, let me touch him, and then disappear again. 

That winter, he hung around all winter.  He chose to live outside, but he had free access to come into the chicken’s shelter at all times.  He joined them for a period of time each day.  He has remained on our property ever since then.  I don’t know if the female pheasant is still around or not.  I have only ever seen her the one time.